An Individualized Approach To Treating Thyroid Conditions

Although the thyroid gland is small, it is a pretty big deal. When your thyroid gland is not working properly, you do not feel well, sleep well, or think well. It affects every aspect of your life. If you have hypothyroidism your doctor has most likely prescribed a thyroid hormone to take in the form of a pill such as Levothyroxine or Synthroid. With this method, most people with hypothyroidism will need to take thyroid hormones for the rest of their lives. If you have hyperthyroidism, the overactive form of thyroid issues, the most common option in treating adults is with radioactive iodine. This treatment destroys the gland over the course of about 6 to 18 months. Once the gland is destroyed or removed by surgery, you will have to begin taking a pill form of thyroid hormones to make up for the missing gland.

 If you have a thyroid condition, you might be wondering if there is something you can do naturally for a thyroid condition. The answer is…yes, there is. Autoimmune conditions can be difficult to reverse, but there are many things you can do to lessen and even eliminate your symptoms. You can start by looking at your diet and lifestyle choices. For instance:

  • Eliminate sugar, artificial sugar, and gluten from your diet

  • Consume more fresh organic vegetables and fruit, high-quality protein, healthy fat, and fiber

  • Avoid harmful toxins found in skincare, household, and cleaning products

  • Manage your stress levels and triggers

  • Take herbal supplements

It’s important to get to the root cause of your thyroid issue so that we can identify your triggers and then we can treat your condition appropriately. Everybody is different and one treatment plan is not right for everyone. 

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Watch my full video on this topic here:


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The Importance of Your Thyroid Gland