
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

Autoimmune diseases affect nearly 24 million Americans, and thyroid diseases affect about 20 million. Many Americans are dealing with autoimmune thyroid disease. In fact, Hashimoto’s disease, an autoimmune thyroid condition, is one of the most common causes of hypothyroidism.

The scary part is that a high percentage of those with autoimmune thyroid disease are completely unaware of their condition. If you have autoimmune thyroid disease, you don’t want to leave it untreated. 

Your thyroid is shaped just like a butterfly. It’s a small gland located at the base of your neck. It plays an important part in your endocrine system, which produces hormones that are responsible for your metabolism, temperature regulation, heart rate, breathing, and mood.

Autoimmune conditions occur when your immune system attacks your own body, in the case of autoimmune thyroid disease, your thyroid. The most common autoimmune thyroid disease is Hashimoto’s disease, a form of autoimmune hypothyroidism. You may also develop autoimmune hyperthyroidism, such as Graves’ disease.

Hashimoto’s Disease is an autoimmune condition characterized by an underactive thyroid and an early diagnosis is crucial.  Untreated disease may lead to a variety of health issues.  

Symptoms may include:
FatigueMuscle aches, stiffness and/or weaknessJoint pain and stiffness
-Weight gain
-ConstipationDry skin
-Hair lossBrittle nails
-Swollen of puffy face
-Sensitivity to cold
-Memory loss
-Irregular menstrual cycles

Graves’ disease is an autoimmune condition characterized by an overactive thyroid.  Early diagnosis is crucial as it may lead to serious health issues.  

Symptoms may include:
-Weight loss
-Heart irregularity
-Frequent bowel movements
-Bulging eyes
-Increase in perspiration
-Thinning hairDifficulty sleeping

We can help!

The functional medicine approach to autoimmune thyroid treatment requires dietary changes, adopting some lifestyle strategies, and appropriate supplementation to support your body. Partnering with a functional medicine doctor is the first step for identifying the root cause of your autoimmune thyroid disease. We can create an autoimmune thyroid treatment protocol that’s right for you.