
“I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you.”

Joyce Meyers

Type 2 diabetes is in the process of being redefined as an autoimmune disease, as is Type 1, or at least caused by autoimmune disease(s). For decades we’ve been told it was caused simply by having too much sugar in your diet, which cause elevated insulin levels, which in turn caused insulin resistance, which leads to diabetes.

Well, according to the research, it seems now we have a better understanding of this, and it’s centered on high levels of inflammation in the body causing insulin resistance, and then the elevated blood sugar levels causing damage due to the inability of the insulin to do its job and the sugar to enter your cells.

The American Diabetic Association says 106 to 126 is insulin-resistant and anything above 127 is diabetes.Type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes affects every other American and one in four kids. It has tripled since the 1980’s. Normal blood sugar in functional medicine is a range of between 85 and 99 and consider anything over 100 to be insulin resistance.

Symptoms of low blood sugar or hypoglycemia

-Craving for sweets Irritability if meals are missed
-Dependency on coffee or other stimulants for energy
-Waist girth equal to or larger than hip girth
-Becoming lightheaded if meals are missed
-Eating to relieve fatigue
-Feeling shaky, jittery, or tremulous
-Feeling agitated or nervous
-Become upset easily
-Poor memory, forgetfulness
-Blurred vision
-Insulin Resistance

Symptoms of high blood sugar or insulin resistance

-Fatigue after meals
-General fatigue
-Constant hunger
-Craving for sweets that is not relieved by eating
-Craving sweets after meals
-Frequent urination Make it stand out
-Increased appetite and thirst
-Difficulty losing weight
-Migrating aches and pains

*It is very common to have symptoms of both as the system becomes more dysregulated. 

What Now?

A Functional Medicine approach can help control glycemic indices, and it may also help reduce many related health issues. In particular, using dietary change as a first-line treatment has shown success in reversing diabetes. We are here to help.