Holiday Health Tips

The holidays are a time of celebration, festivities and feasting. Lots of FEASTING. So naturally weight gain is always a concern due to overeating high calorie foods and mostly sedentary behaviors. Most people just go crazy and say they will get back on track in the new year but unfortunately most people don’t lose the extra pounds.

Here are 3 tips to get you through the holidays:

1. Get Active

The #1 health tip I would recommend you do, is get outside and get active. Even if it’s snowing in your area, getting outside for 20 minutes is a great thing to do — or if you can’t do that, do a 20-minute burst training workout.

In addition to your morning workout, get outside and do something active during the day. Make it a family affair.

Getting outside and creating a fun family tradition like backyard football is a great way to have a lot of fun, follow some great tradition and, at the same time, work to not pack on the pounds from some of those extra calories you’re probably consuming.

2. Focus on Protein

Another one of my health tips when you’re trying to lose weight or just keep the weight off these holidays is to focus on more good, quality protein foods.

Turkey is amazing. It’s full of tryptophan, protein and other amino acids that can really support your immune system, which can help improve your mood.

There are a lot healthy benefits of turkey so when you’re loading up that plate, pack on the turkey. For instance, in addition to providing protein with fewer calories and less fat than beef and the tryptophan that helps the body make niacin and serotonin which helps your mood. Turkey contains selenium, phosphorus and B vitamins.

3. Watch Your Portions

When the holidays arrive, it can be easy to overload your plate.

Those who eat larger portions tend to gain weight more easily than those who don’t.

The best way to overcome this is to control portion sizes or use smaller plates. I try a spoonful or two of the things I like. This way I don’t feel like I’m missing out.

If you do those three things, you’re not going to pack on the weight. If you overeat a little bit, that’s fine — just get back on the wagon the very next day.

Have a blessed Holiday Season.

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