Does Your Gut Health Impact Your Thyroid?

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Did you know your gut health affects your thyroid gland? It does.  

In fact, gut health is extremely important when dealing with thyroid disease or auto-immune dysfunction. Roughly 70% of your immune system lives in the gut, so making sure your digestive system is working optimally is key to improving your thyroid health. Poor gut health and low thyroid hormone can lead to leaky gut and poor gut health can suppress thyroid function.

When it comes to healing your gut, the journey looks a little different for everybody.

However, here are some basic steps you can take to improve your autoimmune condition:

  • Eliminate inflammatory foods such as sugars, trans fats, certain oils, alcohol, and processed meats.

  • Add healing foods to your diet like nuts, seeds, fatty fish, berries, and other foods rich in antioxidants.   

  • Get tested for food sensitivities and leaky gut.

  • Introduce good bacteria with high-quality probiotics or fermented foods.

  • Reduce stress with breathing techniques, meditation, yoga, and some mild exercise.

  • Optimize your sleep to ensure you are getting a least 7 hours of restful uninterrupted sleep.

  • Support your immune system with quality vitamins and herbs.

  • Toss out the toxic chemicals at home and in your beauty routine.  

Most importantly, I recommend working with someone who specializes in thyroid conditions that can help you restore your health. Making changes can be difficult and often the challenge is that you don’t know where to start or what to do first.  

If you are struggling with a thyroid or autoimmune condition and have questions, please reach out to me. Schedule a complimentary call with me at I’d love to talk to you about some steps that you can start taking to improve your health so you can add years to your life and life to your years.

Watch my full video on this topic here:


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